{ A Lovely Little Update }

August 11, 2018  •  2 Comments

It's been quite a summer! I kept myself very busy, learned a lot, and I am excited for what is to come! We have enjoyed the births of TWO beautiful miniature zebu calves this summer - everything went very well and mamas and babies are doing extremely well. School starts again next Wednesday, meaning I'm back in the building full time starting Monday!

I've had the privilege of photographing some wonderful people this summer and I feel like my editing flow becomes more efficient with each session. Photography and teaching are both professions in which things are constantly changing and improvements can be made every single day and every single session. I love to learn and grow, and I'm very grateful to be able to do this in all aspects of my life.

My cows (and all of my other animal family members) mean the world to me, too, if you hadn't guessed that before. These are a few photos from yesterday evening to give you a peek into my life right now and at the size of that itty bitty baby! Also featured is my little rescue chihuahua, Bill, who enjoys touching noses with my cows as long as he feels there is no danger of being stepped on :)

I hope your transition back into the school year is smooth and happy - whether it be your kiddos going, you going, or anyone else in your life. If you're not involved with education at all anymore, I promise there is still so much to learn! Be it through books or YouTube videos, aim to learn something new each day and you just might learn something new about yourself, too. What an interesting world we live in!

Well wishes!

- Chari

P.S. You can dislike my shirt if you want, but I'm actually a WSU Shocker and I own a KU shirt just like this one. I root for all of the teams, so EMAW, Rock Chalk Jayhawk, Go Shocks, look at the cows! 😋



C. Abigail Photography
Thank you so much, Sammie!
Sweet pics. Thanks for sharing your life. It was a true gift to read. Hugs cuz!
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